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wiki/ news/ news-2015-01-07

CIP-Pools unavailable due to planned power outage on Sat 2015-01-17

On Saturday, 2015-01-10, a planned power outage to test the emergency power supplies will take place. To avoid any damage to hardware or software, we will automatically shut down all CIP-Pool computers starting 04:00. We expect the CIP-Pool to be available again some time in the afternoon or evening.

Update Contrary to previous announcements, the power supply tests and outtages will not take place on January 10th.

Update #2 The power outage will be on Saturday, January 17th from 6am till 6pm.

Wolfgang Händler Building finally open again starting 2015-01-12

Since most of the reconstruction works will have been finished by Monday 2015-01-12, the blue computer science building (Wolfgang-Händler-Hochhaus) will be accessible outside normal opening hours with your FAUcard again starting Monday. Please mind the still existing construction sites.