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wiki/ news/ news-2021-06-25-1

CIP-Pool Reopening

From wednesday 2021-06-22 on the CIP-Pools in the rooms 01.155-113 (CIP1) and 02.151-113 (CIP2) are available for studying again. Information on how to resere a workplace can be found on our website (

-- Felix Kraus


On Monday 2021-06-28 the machines in CIP4 (cip4[a-e][0-3]) are temporarily unavailable from 00:00 due to maintenance.

-- Michael Gebhard

GitLab up and running again

The hardware problems that lead to the downtime of our GitLab are resolved. The GitLab instance is available as normal again. We are not aware of any data loss. Due to further maintenance work, another short but announced downtime is to be expected in the next few weeks.

-- Felix Kraus